*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Myopia Management In Children*

SCREEN SHIELD®️ is an innovative myopia management nutraceutical formula developed based on the three-tier signaling pathway mechanism of myopia progression (retina-choroid-sclera). Its efficacy and mechanism target three key areas of myopia control: maintaining retinal homeostasis, enhancing choroidal blood flow, and fortifying scleral matrix collagen. This specialized formula is rich in essential eye health nutrients, including lutein (esterified form), zeaxanthin, bilberry anthocyanins, and astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis.

Novel Formula to Target Three Key Ocular Tissues in Myopia Management

Protect Retina, Nourish Choroid and Strengthen Sclera

Lutein& Zeaxanthin

Protect retina by improving MPOD to filter blue light and reduce oxidative stress

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Norish choroid by increase choroidal blood flow to alleviate ocular hypoxia from near work

Blueberry Extract

Strengthen Sclera by regulating scleral remodeling via MMP2 degradation & COL1 upregulation

Scleral events critically determine eye size and thus the refractive status of the eye. Increased scleral matrix remodeling can lead to exaggerated eye growth causing myopia.

Novel Formula to Target Three Key Ocular Tissues in Myopia Management

Our proprietary mixture — SCREEN SHIELD®️ is derived from cutting-edge research on myopia, and is developed based on the retina-choroid-sclera-cascade conduction mechanism of myopia signals.

Blueberry Extract

Strengthen Sclera by regulating scleral remodeling via MMP2 degradation & COL1 upregulation [1]


Norish choroid by increase choroidal blood flow to alleviate ocular hypoxia from near work [2]

Lutein& Zeaxanthin

Protect retina by improving MPOD & BDNF to filter blue light and reduce oxidative stress [3-5]

· Scleral events critically determine eye size and thus the refractive status of the eye. Increased scleral matrix remodeling can lead to exaggerated eye growth causing myopia.

· Choroid is the main vascular tissue of the eye. Research has shown that nearwork can induce a decrease in choroidal blood flow, leading to scleral hypoxia and remodeling, ultimately resulting in axial elongation and myopia development. 

· Retina is a visual “imaging” tissue that converts light signals into neural signals. It can perceive farsightedness and myopic defocus, and initiate different growth responses through distinct independent molecular mechanisms, such as dopamine (DA) and insulin. 

Scientific Evidence

Exploring the Scientific Potential of SCREEN SHIELD®️ Formular

SCREEN SHIELD®️ is help children to  protect eyes by targeting three key areas of myopia control: 
· Maintaining retinal homeostasis;
· Enhancing choroidal blood flow;
· Fortifying scleral matrix collagen.

  • 巩膜与近视的关系
  • 越橘花色苷对巩膜及近视的影响
    人体临床研究实证,近视儿童每日摄入 100mg 越橘精华,6 个月与 12 个月时,眼轴长度与屈光度显著减缓。[24] 动物及细胞研究显示,越橘提取物可能可以通过抑制MMP-2 与增加 I 型胶原延缓近视发展。[22-23]
  • AntoReal®️越橘花色苷精华
  • 脉络膜与近视的关系
  • 虾青素对脉络膜血流及近视的影响
  • AstaMega™️雨生红球藻虾青素微囊粉
  • 视网膜与近视的关系
    视网膜是光信号转化为神经信号的视觉“成像”组织,可以感知远视和近视离焦,并通过明显不同 的独立分子机制启动不同的生长反应,相关分子信号包括:多巴胺(DA)、胰岛素、视黄酸等。户外活动时间对近视的保护作用机制涉及:明亮的户外光线刺激视网膜多巴胺释放,从而抑制眼轴增长;视网膜多巴胺被认为是眼轴伸长的“停止”信号。[13-15]
  • 叶黄素与对视网膜及近视影响的研究
    众所周知,叶黄素/脂与玉米黄质摄入可以提高视网膜黄斑色素密度(MPOD),有助过滤蓝光并减轻蓝光诱导的视网膜氧化应激损伤。[1] 新的证据还表明,叶黄素可以提高视网膜BDNF(脑源性神经营养因子)水平[2] ,其已被实证可以靶向多巴胺能神经元并有助增加多巴胺的合成与释放[3] ,而多巴胺(DA)被认为是近视眼轴伸长的“停止”信号[4] ;因此,叶黄素可能通过BDNF-DA轴延缓近视发展,这对于近视管理具有重要意义。
  • Lutemax®️专利叶黄素与玉米黄质
    动物研究实证,Lutemax®️改善光诱导及高糖脂饮食的视网膜氧化应激损伤,具体机制包括提高抗氧化酶(SOD、CAT和GPX)水平、降低炎症细胞因子水平 (IL-1β、IL-6 和 TNF-α) 等。[6] 


Targes 3 Key Eye Tissues Related to Myopia Management

Our proprietary mixture — SCREEN SHIELD®️ is derived from cutting-edge research on myopia, and is
developed based on the retina-choroid-sclera-cascade conduction mechanism of myopia signals.
